World Health Organization (WHO), Ethics and health

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Ethics and Health

Health ethics has been an integral part of the activities of many units and departments at WHO for many years and is addressed not only within the Department of Ethics, Equity, Trade and Human Rights (IER/ETH) and but throughout the organization. ETH works collaboratively with staff from all departments and the regional offices to identify, design, and carry out projects addressing the ethics of health care, public health, and biomedical science. This encompasses projects that originate in the department and those on which it provides advice and assistance to activities located in other clusters and in regional offices.

Our mission

In October 2002, the World Health Organization launched its Ethics and Health Initiative to provide a focal point for the examination of the ethical issues raised by activities throughout the organization, including the regional and country offices, and to develop activities regarding a wide range of global bioethics topics, from organ and tissue transplantation to developments in genomics, and from research with human beings to fair access to health services.

Comités nationaux de bioéthique ou d'éthique des sciences