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  • Ibo van de Poel and Peter-Paul Verbeek

Editorial: Ethics and Engineering Design Science, Technology & Human Values 2006 31: 223-236. [Abstract] [PDF] [References]

  • Mark Coeckelbergh

Regulation or Responsibility? Autonomy, Moral Imagination, and Engineering Science, Technology & Human Values 2006 31: 237-260. [Abstract] [PDF] [References]

  • Kathryn Henderson

Ethics, Culture, and Structure in the Negotiation of Straw Bale Building Codes Science, Technology & Human Values 2006 31: 261-288. [Abstract] [PDF] [References]

  • Matthew M. Mehalik and Michael E. Gorman

A Framework for Strategic Network Design Assessment, Decision Making, and Moral Imagination Science, Technology & Human Values 2006 31: 289-308. [Abstract] [PDF] [References]

  • Tsjalling Swierstra and Jaap Jelsma

Responsibility without Moralism in Technoscientific Design Practice Science, Technology & Human Values 2006 31: 309-332. [Abstract] [PDF] [References]

  • Ibo van de Poel and A. C. van Gorp

The Need for Ethical Reflection in Engineering Design: The Relevance of Type of Design and Design Hierarchy Science, Technology & Human Values 2006 31: 333-360. [Abstract] [PDF] [References]

  • Peter-Paul Verbeek

Materializing Morality: Design Ethics and Technological Mediation Science, Technology & Human Values 2006 31: 361-380. [Abstract] [PDF] [References]

  • [M Mameli

Reproductive cloning, genetic engineering and the autonomy of the child: the moral agent and the open future

Feb 01, 2007 33: 87-93 [Abstract] [Full Text]

Encyclopédie pédagogique d'éthique des sciences et de la recherche